

Two hearts are meant to be together...

When two hearts are meant to be together..
No matter höw löng it takes...
No matter höw far they go..
No matter höw tough it seems..
Love will bring them..
To share a life forever..♥ :)

One day my angel told me that she was too scared to get into a relationship with me..

One day my angel told me that she was too scared to get into a relationship with me..
I just told her.. Hey sweetheart,
Don't be scared I'm always there with you..
'n moreover if you are afraid to walk then I will put your feet on mine 'n we will walk together..
You hold my hand, I caress your lips, You look into my eyes 'n my heart beat skips.
I stroke your back skin so soft 'n smooth, I admire your face, every line, every groove.
We move in a little closer, our bodies entwine, you touch my neck, it sends shivers down my spine.
You whisper that you love me 'n I know it's true because I feel it in my heart 'n I love you too.
Your love has driven me to a life full of happiness, & to make it even better I need u to b my side...
And now that i have you, I promise you, each day I will love you more than words can say,
I will make our lives the best we could think of, & treasure each moment that we spend together, all life long..

I fell in love

You are the best friend i never want to lose, the boy i fell in love with, the person i want to tell all my secrets to, the one that makes me smile on a rainy day, you are that special someone i can't live without, the one to make all my fears go away and hold me when I'm scared, you are who i planned my whole future with, please don't take it away....!!

Ur my Love Ur my Life...

I love without knowing how...I love with the depths of my soul
I love with all i am & all i have..I love without eyes or sound
For my love is blind & deaf...I love with the gentleness of my heart
I love with the only passion known to me...
I love with desire of u & me...
I love so much that we as two become One...
I love without judgement...
I love with mind,body & soul.
I love in sickness & in health for all eternity 
For all that i am all that i have & all that i will ever be ~♥ ♥~

I will always be around for you...

You may not love me like I love you,
You may not care for me like I care for you
But if you ever need me,
I will always be around for you..
I love you..!

love with you....♥


I'm scared of looking at you...♥
the more I do,,the more i
fall in love with you....♥

You Are Mine..."♥

♥''If I Get Your Smile,
I Don’t Need Flowers.''♥

♥''If I Get Your Voice,

I Don’t Need Music.''♥
♥''If You Speak to Me,
I Don’t Need to Listen
to Any Body Else.''♥

♥''If You Are With Me,

I Don’t Need The World.'
You Are Mine..."♥

U & Me 4ever....

The Part of my Life..